Saturday, March 7, 2009

Express Yourself...

It has been quite some time now that I have been thinking to start writing blogs. But every time I think of it, the first question that comes to my mind is “write what?” Ironically, the very thought of writing out something comes when the mind is full of thoughts! Then, what is it that stops me from writing something online?? (I do make diary entries quite often! ) Well, I would say that it is human nature- human nature to try to do things ‘right’; we try to sound smart & try to use the most uncommon words to give that ‘special effect’! It is a human tendency to seek admiration for what we do and approval of others! Yeah, it is a fact… The other day I read somewhere that our minds are trained to self-doubt, self-scrutiny rather than self-expression and I feel it is so very true. Perhaps this is something that worked as a driving force for this first blog of mine!

I have been reading my friend’s blogs and each and every time I feel that something written straight from the heart, without trying hard at framing the right sentences and using the most appropriate words and just letting yourself write your heart out, is what makes some pieces of writing so special and instantly appeals the readers as well. Besides, flow-writing is one of the most effective ways to let yourself speak- your true inner self. It can, at times, act as a stress buster and has its natural healing formula.
A lot of times, owing to our busy and tight-scheduled lives, we do not get time to be with ourselves and often do not have time to know ourselves better. But once we start writing, it gives some sense of satisfaction that yes, we aren’t ignoring ourselves. Believe it or not, there is something highly satisfying about simply letting yourself write and it, in itself, is an experience- writing whatever floats in your mind, be it repetitive, uninteresting, haphazard or deep and profound! According to American research findings, it has been proved that expressing your emotions through writing even helps one to maintain a better physical health and allows a person to be more productive in his/ her work. As also, writing gives you confidence to voice your opinion and to believe in yourself.

What also makes some pieces of writings special are the events associated with them. Each one of us have some special moments/ events in our lives and to keep the memories ‘ever fresh’, the best way is to write about them as and when they happen! J Some of my diary entries still bring me a smile and I read them time and again!! I wish to continue writing here and thereby, hone my writing skills too!


Charchit said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!! I would say that your very first blog is an amazing one! It is true to each word....keep posting!!

Ritu Kawra said...

Thanks immensely, Charchit! It is all thanks to you! Some two years back I didnt even know what a blog is! :)

Unknown said...

Ritu ...this is a real stress buster ! trust me..! with your work getting hectic you should always come here and pour it all out ! You already gave it a head start ! Im proud of you ! Keep blogging! :)

Ritu Kawra said...

Yes Venoo, I realise this! Seems you also have a blog of your own- do give me the id.
Thanks a lot for your comment!

DEEPRIYA said...

Ritu....I totally agree wid should keep on writing........i had found sometimes this better thn writing a diary.......

u had done a great start......keep blogging!

Anonymous said...

Well, a very good start. This will anyday improve ur writing skills and will give me a chance to comment..:). Very well written. Keep it up!!!

Unknown said...

quite true and straightforward but try making it more interesting. by the time i finished reading, i forgot wot it was at the start.

Ritu Kawra said...

Point noted Anando da! :)