Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Think before you speak...

A few days back, while talking to a very close friend of mine, I said something which perhaps I should not have. I say this not because I didn't want to say it or share it with him, but because I did not think even once about its repercussions. I was completely unaware how he'll take it- in a casual way or too seriously. The kind of person I am, I did not think twice before sharing it with him; I was impulsive I would say and I realise this now!

A dozen other things followed a not so carefully spoken word and troubled me to the core till the time I realised where I went wrong. Had I once thought before speaking it, I would not have faced all that I did. What I want to convey here is that that one should avoid impulsive reactions and should be a little cautious before speaking anything! (Even with friends!) Well, I am nowhere saying that one should always give a careful thought before speaking everything (because otherwise the there would be no fun, the spontaneity would be gone!) but I just want to say that issues that may involve a 'sensitive' element should either be avoided or carefully spoken! And that is simply because realizing later does not always help! No matter what you say later, however apologetic you may feel, you have to bear the consequences of the word that just 'slipped off'. You waste the whole day thinking about it- thinking about why it happened. You unknowingly hurt your friend and you are yourself hurt... :-( Isn't it better to watch your words?! Another important aspect of communication is how you say a particular thing or how you put it, it is in fact more important than what you say and the tone is equally important too.

So friends, next time "think before you speak"! :-)


Unknown said...

pretty good but a bit too brief. if not details u could have included the feelings etc.....

Anonymous said...

Yes Anando da, I do agree with you. But to be honest, something stopped me from including details. Besides, the readers would have found it boring too if I detailed every feeling! Anyway, I shall keep it in mind next time and try and express more!
Thanks for your comments!

Charchit said...

I would agree with Anando that it was too brief, even if you do not mention the names - I think the feelings can be detailed a bit more! Good work otherwise!!

Reflections said...

Used to happen all the time with me when I was younger.....
As soon as the guests left my mum used to be on my case as to why I spk thotlessly on some issue or the other;-(
Even now it happens sometimes- like u said basically not thinking b4 speaking;-P